According to the International Monetary Fund, over the past 12 months global food prices have increased on average by more than 40%. Most experts believe that there is no single driver behind this unprecedented rise in the cost of foodstuffs, but rather that numerous factors threaten the food security and well being of millions of people, particularly the poorest of the poor in the developing world.
Factors cited by experts include: the increased demand for food commodities from developing countries (as a result of population increases and increased consumption of meat), the production of crops for bio-fuels, increased costs of transportation, fuel and fertilizer due to the increasing cost of oil, a weakening U.S. currency which increases the effective cost for commodities purchased with dollars, and recurring natural disasters such as drought and flooding.
However, despite this bleak outlook there is room for hope. Project Concern International is committed to taking a leadership role in identifying sustainable, pro-poor solutions to mitigate the terrible impacts of the growing food crisis for the most vulnerable populations where we work. Today PCI is:
Distributing food through our comprehensive school feeding programs including providing 100,000 school children in Nicaragua and Zambia with a daily meal;
Improving agricultural production, providing livestock and improving livelihoods for some of the most vulnerable families in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
Assisting families, schools and communities to plant sustainable food gardens;
Helping nearly 8,000 child and female-headed households in Africa to receive monthly take-home rations to support orphans and vulnerable children;
Providing women and young children in Guatemala with a nutritious lentil / rice blend.
You can join us as we fight against this world hunger crisis by donating to our lifesaving work! Your support of $50, $100, $1000 whatever you feel you can contribute will be used to help save lives and assist thousands of people to enjoy healthier, more hopeful lives. Thank you for supporting our efforts with a financial contribution and, above all, thank you for your interest in helping to address this global challenge.